Radiant X (5ml each)
- Acellular, 100% Natural Allogenic Secretions;
- Isolated From Human Amniotic Fluid;
- Non-Cell Culture Derived, Non-Expanded;
- No Cryoprotectants or Synthetics;
- Average Nanoparticle Mode Size = 100nm.
The product is shipped from the lab directly to the physician’s office.
They are frozen on dry ice and must be kept frozen at -20C.
What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are messenger particles that release naturally from a cell. These particles are responsible for cell-to-cell communication and can be used as a highly targeted flexible treatment for a wide variety of conditions.
ZEO ScientifiX Exosome Products, including this High Concentration Exosome Formula, carry genetic information and bioactive proteins to cells throughout your body, creating paths for communication between cells. These messenger cells go beyond PRP by releasing growth factors and other beneficial processes and mRNA.
- High Concentration Exosome Formula;
- Promote Skin Regeneration;
- Stimulate Hair Regrowth;
- Improve cell-to-cell communication to stimulate healing;
- Anti-inflammatory;
- Easy to use;
- Safe for patients.
Extracellular vesicles and exosomes, are nanoparticles that contains bio-active molecules and microRNA
that in animal models show they are transferred to other cells and support tissue repair and homeostasis.
Key Bio-Active Extracellular Components:
- Extracellular Vesicles (EVs);
- Exosomes (a class of EVs);
- 300+ Growth Factors, Cytokines & Chemokines;
- Hyaluronic Acid (HA).
Exosome “cargo” is loaded with microRNAs and signaling contents including:
- RNA;
- Lipids;
- Enzymes;
- Cell-surface proteins.