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Factor X (2ml each)
- Acellular, 100% Natural Allogenic Secretions;
- Isolated From Human Amniotic Fluid;
- Non-Cell Culture Derived, Non-Expanded;
- No Cryoprotectants or Synthetics;
- Average Nanoparticle Mode Size = 100nm.
The product is shipped from the lab directly to the physician’s office.
They are frozen on dry ice and must be kept frozen at -20C.
What Are Exosomes?
Exosomes are messenger particles that release naturally from a cell. These particles are responsible for cell-to-cell communication and can be used as a highly targeted flexible treatment for a wide variety of conditions.
ZEO ScientifiX Exosome Products, including this
- High Exosome Concentrate Formula
- Promote Skin Regeneration;
- Stimulate Hair Regrowth;
- Improve cell-to-cell communication to stimulate healing;
- Anti-inflammatory;
- Easy to use;
- Safe for patients.
Extracellular vesicles and exosomes, are nanoparticles that contains bio-active molecules and microRNA
that in animal models show they are transferred to other cells and support tissue repair and homeostasis.
Key Bio-Active Extracellular Components:
- Extracellular Vesicles (EVs);
- Exosomes (a class of EVs);
- 300+ Growth Factors, Cytokines & Chemokines;
- Hyaluronic Acid (HA).
Exosome “cargo” is loaded with microRNAs and signaling contents including:
- RNA;
- Lipids;
- Enzymes;
- Cell-surface proteins.